Thursday, December 31, 2009

Into 2010.

"I'm so happy to see you so happy, Jia."

"Yes," I said. " Thank you for being by me all this while. I think this is the first year I've finally stabilised and find myself grounded in God's security and joy."

2009, has been a year not only of restoration, but of new breakthroughs. After going through years of purposelessness without knowing God, and years of tumult in letting God tear me down to rebuild me rightly, I think I've finally found a solid rock on which I can stand above the storm.

Today, I just want to thank God:

- for my weaknesses: For so long I've always tried to be somebody else, better, stronger, faster. I've finally come not only to accept, but to exult in the fact that I am flawed, weak and broken. It is because of this that gives me hope to walk humbly before man, and rightly before God. How ironic it is to realise, that I found my self-confidence again as I became more and more aware of my foibles.

- for my body: I don’t think I’ve ever been more comfortable with my own skin. Yes, flat-footed, thunder-thighed, big-haired, hairy, small-boobed, chubby-cheeked me will, like any other specimen of the female species, struggle with insecurities from time to time, but I’ve finally come to the point where I can give thanks for what I’ve been blessed with. Thank you God for my legs, shape and warts. Thank you for making me just the way I am.

- for blessing me with health, both physical and mental: I’m enjoying sports again, and for the first time, I’m not a slave to it. I can’t believe you’ve helped me find so much joy in cycling, swimming and running. In one year, you helped me overcome my lifelong fear of cycling to clock over 3000km in my rides, helped me to learn open-water swimming in the sea to take part in my first triathlon and half-marathon, helped me to learn what it means to honour my body and You. Thank you God for returning to me doubly what you had to take away, for my own good. I can't believe I was so ill at one point.

- for blessing me with Joyriders. There, I found a group of friends whose love and encouragement has affirmed and built me up so much. It is because of them that I have remained relapse-free in 2009.

- for the privilege to meet Fung and the handcyclists.

- for the opportunity to love the poor. Thank you for sending me back to Nepal this year, to learn the meaning of surrender while learning pottery at a potter’s house, just like Jeremiah in the bible did. Thank you for sending me to Sri Lanka, and for rekindling the dreams in me which I thought were lost. Thank you for Grandpa Zhou.

- for bringing Kitesong full circle, and giving the children in Nepal a new home to live in.

- for helping me find my love. This has anchored my sense of purpose in medicine in such a profound and deep way.

- for showing me the meaning of Faith: Thank You for showing me what it means to sacrifice, to truly give, to do what’s right. Thank you for blessing me with the chance to meet Alisha, a new bicycle which is to come, and most importantly, such wonderful friends.

-for strengthening me with the courage to love and be loved. I am determined to wait it out, for the person I know will love me and whom I can love, to look after and serve the poor, the disadvantaged and the unwanted children of this world.

- for blessing me with a family. Thank you God for my parents, elder sis, church people and my Sunday School kids. I remember the children in the orphanage in Nepal and am awed by this undeserved blessing I have.

And I’m sorry, God, for the times I:

- was too busy, and too curt.
- allowed the silly, mindless teasing of people hurt me so much, and for allowing bitterness and resentment to take root. There’s nothing I can do if people choose to be disrespectful or insensitive, but there’s something I can do about my response. Please help me to forgive the people who hurt me.
- doubted you with regards to my bicycle, missions and relationships.
- got angry with you.
- wasn't filial or patient enough with my grandma. I think I will always regret that I wasn't more easygoing or loving during the time she stayed with us before she passed away shortly.
- turned down ice-cream. I promise God, to let go a little more, to be less high-strung and to let my hair down, just a little more.

In the next year, please help me:

- to be less moody and more joyful. Because I’m a big girl now and I ought not to let what people say affect me so much. Please help me to be gracious enough to turn the other cheek, to forgive.

- to continue to enjoy sports, maybe even complete my first Olympic triathlon and marathon, but always with you, my family, and friends first. And to be willing to give it up at any point I need to.

- to stay focused on missions and serving the poor and needy, to continue to have faith in the dreams you’ve given me.

- to trust you with my next book, A Taste of Rainbow. And to continue to write, and paint.

- to do my best in my studies, to be the best doctor I can be.

- to open up my heart if the right person comes along, and to be brave to work things out. To be brave to say 'no', if you think otherwise, and not to hate you for it if I do like him, too. My greatest fear, is to fall in love with the wrong person- God, have mercy on me.

- to act justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly.

Thank you God, for such a wonderful year.
Thank you for making me exactly the way I am,
with exactly what I have.
Thank you for teaching me
ever so patiently.

I don't understand a lot of things,
like how I could wake up in the predawn darkness before school to cycle,
but I know,
that you have taught me,
that in the darkness before dawn,
in that moment of i-don't-understand,
You very well do.

Thank you for giving me friends,
whom I can smile with
even in the darkness.

Because of that,
I can continue riding along this journey called life,
through 2010,
With you by my side,
I can take it on.

random shot in the predawn darkness before all the riders set off for our early morning ride

"He has showed you,
O man, what is good.
And what does God require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God."
- Micah 6:8

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Caramel wings.

"Come to the edge," He said.
They said, "We are afraid."
"Come to the edge," He said.

They came.
He pushed.
And they flew.

-Guillaume Apollinaire.

Perhaps, it is not acting in the absence of fear which makes one brave. It is acting in spite of it, jumping off a cliff with wings made of watercolour-dreams stuck together with caramel glue and believing, just believing that you would somehow fly. Faith isn't self-confidence-it is believing in something beyond yourself, still, when you have lost all confidence. Faith isn't easy- as with love, it comes with a risk. Faith is falling, fast down the edge of a cliff with a sinking heart, with heavy chains of disbelief tied round your ankles by the crowd around mocking you, and still... believing...

... that somehow, someway, you would fly. Still.

As 2009 comes to an end, I was asked to enter the Listening Room to reflect and have tea with Mister God, to ask what the foremost lesson it was which He wanted me to learn from 2009, and what is innermost in His heart for me in 2010.

2009 taught me about Faith, and is teaching me still. What has 2009 taught you about faith?

We all carry chains on our ankles, some of us, heavier ones than others. Very often, these chains aren't even tied by ourselves, nor enemies, but by the very people who love and care for us, fiercely and deeply.

"Why don't you consider doing Ophthalmology instead of O&G (Obstetrics and Gynaecology)? The hours aren't as long, it's not as risky, and your future family could get to see you more."

" It doesn't matter if you don't finish the half-marathon. What matters is that you trained for it."

"You know, if you do find someone special, and he doesn't want to do mission work- maybe well, it's okay. Maybe that's not what God wants you to do. Why don't you consider supporting missionaries financially instead of being one yourself?"

"If your next book, A Taste of Rainbow, never gets published, it's really okay. Maybe, it was just a therapeutic outlet for you and that's a sufficient end in itself."

" Why do you want to continue cycling? Triathlons aren't the safest sport."

I can understand why I worry the people I love. Doing O&G is dangerous- out of all the specialties, it demands the highest insurance premiums because of the great risk undertaken by surgeons for both mother and child, the working hours are terrible-babies don't respect night and day; Cycling is risky- at average speeds of 35kmph down a straight road, no one can guarantee 100% safety; Waiting for the right someone with the same calling as yourself can be an audacious decision- one could pass on many opportunities which could have been, and end up by yourself; Holding on to a rainbow-coloured dream could be like holding onto a rainbow-flavoured ice-cream on a hot summer's day, hoping it would hold up against the heat.

What do you do when people tell you to let go? Especially when it's because they're afraid to see you get hurt, become disappointed?

There is absolutely nothing else which brings me greater joy than serving couples and their families- I would hate myself if I sold out for a specialty which I thought would give me a better lifetstyle; I cycle, keep cycling, because I never did cycle on 2 wheels till the age of 21 because I was too afraid. Every time I get on my bike, the same fears, the images of accidents and blood still flood my head, but I continue because it is fear I wish to overcome; I wait, I keep waiting, I ask God about the right person all the time and hear Him tell me 'no' time after time, and still keep waiting... because I don't want to make a mistake which could last a lifetime... I hold on, blindly trusting that God knows best; I hold on to my dream of becoming a writer, even though I know my writing is so unpolished, because in this world of terrorism and evil, that little girl inside needs a rainbow just to live.

I've already come to the edge, with the wings I've spent years weaving, painstakingly. I know you're worried my caramel wings will let me down. Do you not see there is more fear in my eyes than yours? And it is not my wings which I fear, but the chains the crowd is tying on my ankles which scare me. Why are you helping them?

Are there chains on your ankles, too? What cliffs have you turned your back on?

If there's anything 2009 has taught me, it is to keep holding on.

By a beautiful stroke of circumstance and providence, my application to be attached to an obstetrician who has earned my respect got through; In a beautiful twist of events, when there seemed to be no hope of me continueing the sport I loved, I was blessed with a bike; Just when doubt had started to seep in after a silent period of weeks of no replies, I received not one, but 3 emails within 2 days saying that there were parties who would like to follow-through with A Taste of Rainbow, see it get published to help raise awareness for people with depression and eating disorders.

The day J brought me to look at roadbicycles and I saw Faith, the shop dealer asked me why I liked her so much. I told him briefly about Alisha, about how God had brought me through a journey of faith, but that I was there to look-see only, because I hadn't the money anymore to buy the bicycle I wanted. He laughed, in a quiet, kindly sort of way.

"Are you laughing at me?" I asked.

"Well. I don't believe in God. How're you going to get the money?"

"You're laughing at me cos you think I'm naive to wait for God to provide, yes?" I echoed his gentle smile.

"Well, just a little. It's not always bad to be naive."

About a week later, when the miracle happened, it shocked me into days of speechlessness.

"Looks like my naivete paid off- God provided. Let me know when your adaptor comes in. " I wrote to him.

"Sure. Wish I had friends like yours."

So I'm going to Kalimantan in 2 weeks time after my final exams because I'm going to believe, in spite of all my doubts and fears, there is a purpose to this all, that someday I will, together with someone, foster unwanted children and serve the needy and poor, that this isn't a waste of time. I'm not going to feel sorry for myself just because God said 'no' again to someone I asked Him about because he doesn't love mission work, because surely, surely God, there is one person in this infinitely big world who I'm meant to meet, love and serve with. And when the person does show up, I promise to be brave and not to run away, not to tell him to go away. I'm not going stop writing and painting just because every book is such a torturing process of faith. And I'm going to keep cycling even though I keep falling, keep getting abrasions and bruises, because of the life and spiritual lessons it has taught and is teaching me, still.

I'm afraid and doubtful and heartwrenched and lonely but 2009, if anything, has taught me to remove the chains from my feet, and to walk head-on, eyes closed, to the edge of my cliff.

I can hear the crowd laughing, that I'm taking these wings with me. There is a chance, that all this while, I had heard God wrongly and that it could be a fatal jump.

But God, you've never let me down.

2010, here we come.

It would be easy to follow the norm
and go with the flow.

But doing the work God calls us to do takes
effort, perseverance, hope, and vision.
Faith sustains us as we make our way,
even if it is against the current of life...
O God,
give us the courage and faith
to follow wherever you lead.
Strengthen us
when the way is hard.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Nose fracture.

I don't think I've ever met anyone that gracious before in my life. And it reminded me, to always make the conscious choice to forgive, to extend grace- because grace is exactly what it is- giving someone else what they don't deserve. Mercy, on the other hand, is witholding something someone else jolly well deserves.

Mercy and grace, I think I saw a glimpse of both that day.

I had to chase down an ambulance on my roadbike last Saturday. We had waited for about half an hour and the ambulance had got lost looking for us. So I set off to find it, to direct it to where we were. I don't think I've accelerated that quickly on my bike to chase down a vehicle before.

Someone in my cycling group and another elderly man cycling had a head-on collision at the beach. A chilling screech of wheels colliding, bloodstained hands, a pool of blood on the ground and one nose fracture later, we had to call an ambulance.

And all the elderly man could say was, "It's okay, it's okay. I'm really quite fine. You were cycling, I was cycling... We both tried to avoid each other, and we both didn't slow down enough. We're both cyclists, we understand injuries are sometimes inevitable... please don't feel bad."

He said all that in a nasal twang while blood was gushing profusely from his nose, staining his hands and clothes and forming a steady pool on the tarmac.

"I'm so so sorry, Uncle," said the other cyclist, obviously traumatised from the accident too. "I'll pay for your damages and hospital fees. It was my fault, I was on the wrong side of the road."

"It's all right. You didn't do it on purpose."

Uncle Chris had every right to be angry, had every right to curse and swear and show self-pity, had every right to demand compensation for his damaged wheels belonging to his expensive Italian Conalgo roadbike. But the mild-mannered gentleman merely nodded and smiled.

"It's all right, please don't feel bad. You didn't do it on purpose."

In that smile as he took out his bloodstained dentures to spit, sniffling and trying to suck in the blood dripping from his nose, I think I saw what grace, and mercy meant.

"Let your speech always be with grace,
seasoned with salt,
that you may know how you ought to answer each one."

Colossians 4:6

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Katrina Kaif HOT


Angelina Jolie

Date of Birth

4 June 1975, Los Angeles, California, USA

Birth Name

Angelina Jolie Voight







5' 8" (1.73 m)

Mini Biography

Growing up in Los Angeles, Jolie was no stranger to the film industry, being the daughter of Academy Award-winning actor Jon Voight. She later trained and performed at the Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute, where she was seen in several stage productions.

She worked as a professional model in London, New York and Los Angeles, and has also appeared in music videos for such artists as Meat Loaf, Lenny Kravitz, Antonello Venditti and The Lemonheads. In addition, she has acted in five student films for the USC School of Cinema, all directed by her brother, James Haven.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Emma Roberts hot

Emma Rose Roberts (born February 10, 1991) is an American teen actress, singer-songwriter, spokesperson, and designer.She is the daughter of actor Eric Roberts and the niece of actress Julia Roberts.

Emma Roberts rose to prominence for her lead role as Addie Singer in the Nickelodeon television series Unfabulous, a role for which Roberts garnered various awards and critical acclaim.[2][3] Following the success of the show in September 2005, she released her debut album, which also served as the show's soundtrack Unfabulous and More. Roberts then pursued a solo singing career by recording two songs for the soundtracks of Ice Princess and Aquamarine (in which Roberts starred as one of the leads).[1] Roberts then began to focus on her acting career, the title character in the 2007 film Nancy Drew, and her voice-over debut in The Flight Before Christmas.
In 2008 and 2009 Roberts began to star in a number of coming-of-age and young adult roles the first being Wild Child, this was followed by Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac and Lymelife.Roberts appeared in the 2009 family film Hotel For Dogs and The Winning Season.As of May 2009, Roberts' upcoming films include the drama/thriller Twelve and the horror film Grimm.Roberts also signed onto star in Rodeo Girland the Nancy Drew sequel, but both films have recently been put on hold and have not entered production.


Bridal Girl Hot In Blue Dress

Sania Mirza Tennis Player

Sania Mirza (born November 15, 1986) is an Indian tennis player. Mirza was born to a sports journalist Imran Mirza and Nasima in Mumbai. She was brought up in Hyderabad. Mirza he began playing tennis at the age of six, turning professional in 2003. She was trained by her father, as well as her other family members and was sponsored by the industrialist GV Krishna Reddy. She went to Nasr school in Hyderabad.And later joined St.Mary’s college for her graduation.

Birth Date: 15 Nov 1986  Birth Place: Mumbai, India  Residence: Hydrabad, India  Nationality: INDIA  Height: 5?7 1/2? (1.53m)  Weight: 130 lbs. (59kg)  Plays: Right Handed (Double Handed Backhand)  Favourite Surface: Hard  Coach: C.G.K. Bhupathi  Age Began Tennis: 6  Personal Interests: Swimming, Music  Other Information: Ambition in tennis: To be in the Top 20 of the World.  Favourite player: Steffi Gra

Mirza won the 2003 Wimbledon Championships Girls’ Doubles title, teaming up with Alisa Kleybanova of Russia.

Mirza is the highest ranked female tennis player ever from India, with a career high ranking of 27 in singles and 18 in doubles. . She holds the distinction of being the first Indian woman to be seeded in a Grand Slam tennis tournament . Earlier in 2005, she had become the first Indian woman to reach the fourth round of a Grand Slam tournament at the 2005 U.S. Open, defeating Mashona Washington, Maria Elena Camerin and Marion Bartoli. In 2004, she finished runner up at the Asian Tennis Championship.

In 2005, Mirza reached the third round of the Australian Open, losing to eventual champion Serena Williams. On February 12, 2005, she became the first Indian woman to win a WTA singles title, defeating Alyona Bondarenko of Ukraine in the Hyderabad Open Finals. As of September 2006, Mirza has notched up three top 10 wins; against Svetlana Kuznetsova, Nadia Petrova and Martina Hingis. At the 2006 Doha Asian Games, Mirza won the silver in the women’s singles category and the gold in the mixed doubles partnering Leander Paes. She was also part of the Indian women’s team that won the silver in the team event.

Mirza had the best results of her career during the 2007 summer hardcourt season, finishing eighth in the 2007 U.S. Open Series standings. She reached the final of the Bank of the West Classic and won the doubles event with Shahar Pe’er, and reached the quarterfinals of the Tier 1 Acura Classic.

At the 2007 U.S. Open, she reached the third round before losing to Anna Chakvetadze for the third time in recent weeks. She fared much better in the doubles, reaching the quarterfinals in mixed with her partner Mahesh Bhupathi and the quarterfinals in the women’s doubles with Bethanie Mattek, including an impressive win over number two seeds Lisa Raymond and Samantha Stosur.
She represented India at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, in the women’s singles and doubles events. In singles, she retired in the round of 64, while she was trailing 1-6, 1-2 against Iveta Benešová of Czech Republic. She teamed up with Sunitha Rao for the doubles event. They got a walk-over in the round of 32, but lost to Russia’s Svetlana Kuznetsova and Dinara Safina by 4-6, 4-6, in the round of 16.

n 2006, some newspapers reported that Mirza declined from playing with an Israeli tennis player Shahar Pe’er for fear of violent protests from India’s Muslim clerics and their opposition to the existence of Israel.[3] Mirza said in January 2008 that she considered quitting the sport because of undue controversy surrounding her actions. Mirza was pictured resting her feet during a press conference at the 2008 Hopman Cup, with an Indian flag in close proximity.[6] She faced possible prosecution under the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act after a private citizen complained. Mirza protested that, “I love my country, I wouldn’t be playing Hopman Cup otherwise”, and said that she meant no disrespect. On February 4, 2008, Mirza said that she would stop appearing in tennis tournaments held in India, starting with the 2008 Bangalore Open the following month, citing the series of controversies and upon advice by her manager

Atiqa Odho

Atiqa Odho is a famous Pakistani television and film actress who has acted in numerous film and television productions. She debuted in Anwar Maqsood's Sitara aur Mehrunissa while later chose to move to the film world starring in a string of hits which included Jo Darr Gya Woh Marr Gya, Mummy and Mujhe Chand Chahiye.


Television long-plays

  • AAKS: 1991 / PTV
  • TALAASH: 1992 / PTV

Television serials

Desi Girls

For richer or poorer.

This, must be the quietest Christmas I've ever had.

I used to be so big on buying gifts, wrapping presents, writing letters, attending party after party, listening to carols and decorating the house. I used to be so big on the festivity of the occasion. After all, what's Christmas without lights, fun and presents?

Perhaps it's because my final exams are in early January, because my sister is back for only a short few days before she disappears for America again, and because I've grown up, that glitzy gatherings and gifts which nobody really needs no longer hold such a fascination for me. Perhaps, since knowing God, I've learnt to appreciate Christmas and comprehend its profound meaning. Perhaps, I've just become more pensive and less outgoing.

There is something about the extravagance of Christmas which used to disturb me. How can people celebrate and indulge in an atmosphere of hedonistic decadence when half the world is suffering? But I realised, I had missed the point. Some of us, myself included, are trapped by the traditional thinking that the poor always suffer more, and the rich ought to be ashamed for flaunting their riches in the face of the stark reality of poverty. I am beginning to realise, how rich and poor are both poor and suffer in their own ways, and neither may be better off than the other.

While the poor are cold and stricken by infection, poverty and hunger, the rich are lonely and stricken with illnesses of insecurity, surfeit and emptiness. Sadness, loneliness and emptiness respect no one, and strike hardest amidst festive cheer. The poor may be hungry but huddling with their families, while the rich may be drunk on indulgence but hurting inside. Suicide rates are highest in Christmas, did you know that?

And I started to miss you all because I realise that rich or poor, better or worse, each of us have a God-shaped hole that no food, water, possession or human love can fill.

Suddenly, as more of my closest friends started to fly off for their holidays and I felt more and more alone, I missed us washing clothes together on the grey slates of the orphanage, with you giggling and splashing, refusing to let me wash your petticoats because they were "too dirty for you to wash, didi (big sister) Wai Jia. Come, you wash our shirts only okay? Cleaner."

I thought of how so many of us have domestic help to do our washing and chores but are nonetheless busier, and less grateful.

Suddenly, I missed us running and shouting and screaming our lungs out, free in the fields, as we breathed hard against the wind in the cold wintry evening, losing ourselves in the game. Suddenly, I remembered how you all were in the fields playing and shared but one bicycle, but were happy and contented and grateful.

I thought of how grieved I was at losing the bicycle which I wanted, while all of you share one.

Suddenly, I missed us talking. Missed the way you made me feel like a child and a mother at the same time. Missed the way you all would come round and tell me story after story about your parents far back in the villages and how meeting them was a 5-day journey back on foot because no vehicle could go where you stayed.

I thought of the many of us who have parents we live with but sometimes don't even make time to talk to.

Suddenly, I missed being with the missionary couples in the freezing winter, listening to them tell me how each of you were so precious in their eyes. I missed the time I was so full of faith that I would find someone with a heart like mine to want to own an orphanage and adopt or foster children. I missed the time I was so certain I would find someone like that.

And I thought about the many of us who have children we feed, but don't take time to understand.

I realised, that rich or poor, emptiness can be a cruel equaliser. And no amount of financial disparity can separate the levels of loneliness each group feels.

This, must be the quietest and yet, most peaceful Christmas I've had. For I've finally learnt to take time off, to spend quality time with my family, to give thanks for the possessions I have, and to recharge my faith, eroded with time, in the calling I've felt called to. It's about time I went to visit the poor again. I miss you. In less than a month, after my final exams, I will be travelling to a jungle missions hospital in Kalimantan to learn a little more of what it means to be a missionary doctor.

I am learning, that the emptiness inside can only be filled by a God-shaped piece.

I am glad for Christmas, glad for today and the sulleness I feel, glad that I'm not at another party but home with my family, glad that J reminded me to be open-minded with regards to looking for a life partner, glad that I'm a little discouraged that I might never find someone who could love Godme&missionwork and promise to be with me 'for richer or poorer', glad that I miss you all this much...

... because it reminds me, that God's infinitude, and love and company is always with us. And that is what fills, and what satisfies, truly.

For richer or for poorer.

He was born on this day for the same reason called love.

But the angel said to them,

"Do not be afraid.

I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.

Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you;

he is Christ the Lord.

This will be a sign to you:

You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger."

-Luke 2:10-12

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Romanian are beautiful

This is a guide to Romanian girls. I am an American living in Eastern Europe. If you want to meet Romanian girls there are many ways. Romanian dating sites, Romanian chat and internet, ICQ. Romanian marriage services. Actually dating services are not bad, if I was living in the states I would consider trying one. Or learning the Romanian language. Romanian is not a hard language to learn. And if you learned a few words you would set yourself apart from the rest of the guys trying to win the heart of a Romanian princess for happily ever after.
I would say that if you are looking for Romanian girls for less then noble motives, do not, why waste their time and yours. But if you are looking for Romanian girls for love, below I tell you the best way to meet Romanian girls.

Indian Girls

As we know India is famous for its vast traditional culture. This rich culture is based on the religious and historical values and customs. India has a multi religious society which can help in making its culture vaster. Like Sikhs, Jains, Muslims and Hindus, all enjoy freedom to celebrate their religious festivals. India’s food, dresses, music and historical places all are of great attention for the whole world. We saw now people can enjoy India’s culture in every part of world, by having Indian food in the cuisines and restaurants or by wearing Indian dresses and jewellery or by listening to the beautiful Indian music.
When we talk about Bollywood movies which can be seen every where in the world are the main source of making Indian dresses popular. Especially young girls who are fond of Bollywood movies, wants to adopt dresses worn by their favorite actresses in Hindi movies. As we can see in the picture two Indian girls with a English woman in beautiful Indian outfits. The girls are looking gorgeous in these amazing dresses also the guest English giving unforgettable smile in same dress. This picture send us Laila (standing in center) in help of her friends which is regular reader of this blog.

Toronto girl is crowned new Miss India Canada

In the biggest South Asian beauty pageant in North America, 25-year-old Aanchal Dogra was crowned Miss India-Canada 2009 in Toronto on Sunday night.
Hailing from Mississauga on the outskirts of Toronto, Dogra was also the oldest contestant among 16 Indian-Canadian girls who vied for the title. “I cannot believe that I will be the winner of this beauty pageant,” said Dogra who holds an MD in alternative medicines.
The beauty crown puts Dogra in the league of Lisa Ray, Komal Sidhu and Ruby Bhatia who went on to become big names in the entertainment world.
Komal Sharma, 20, from Montreal, and Guneet Marwah, 21, from Richmond Hill near here were the two runners-up at the 19th edition of the Indian beauty contest.
Hollywood actor and singer Karen David, who was on hand to crown the winners of the pageant, treated the audience to one of her favourite number. Born in Shillong, raised in Toronto and trained in London, actor-singer David has played the lead role in Hollywood film Scorpion King and Provoked. She has also lent her voice to compositions by AR Rehman and Andrew Lloyd Webber.
Crowning Dogra as the new Miss India-Canada, David lavished praise on Indian culture and lauded the expatriate girls for keeping Indian native traditions alive in the West.
The three-hour-long evening show opened with all the girls strutting their desi stuff.
In fact, they opened their performances with the hit Bollywood song Main Desi Girl from the film Dostana. And the desi fare was on display in abundance as the 16 contestants regaled the huge audience with their individual musical and dance skills – from bhangra to hit Bollywood numbers to bhajans.
Finally, they were put through quizzes by the judges who settled on Aanchal Dogra as the winner and Komal Sharma and Guneet Marwah as the two runners-up.

Iraj Manzoor Famous Pakistani Model

With an extraordinary photogenic face and a body to die for, the dusky beauty from Karachi is currently a hot favorite of all the top fashion glossies and a must in all the good fashion shows. Her great walk and an hour glass figure allow her to transform and fit each designer’s personality. Iraj has a prestigious Head and Shoulders advertisement under her belt, where she was selected from a large number of hopefuls.
Streamlined five foot nine, she is one of the most sought-after models – in the business. Iraj is both well loved and well hated – in the modeling and fashion set. Those who don’t care much accuse her of being arrogant, difficult and snobbish. Those who do, say she’s sexy, sensuous and smart. And Iraj…..well, Iraj just likes to keep them all guessing.
When Iraj Manzoor saunters down the ramp no one looks bored. And neither does her. Iraj likes to get noticed; the appraisal is welcomed and almost demanded. She knows she has it. And expects everyone else to know it too. Iraj’s face has adorned the cover of nearly every fashion magazine in Pakistan.

Freida Pinto Star of Slumdog Millionaire

Freida Pinto is an Indian actress who starred as Latika in Danny Boyle’s 2008 film Slumdog Millionaire. She broke into acting by way of modeling, after earning a degree at Mumbai’s St. Xavier College. As the host of more than fifty episodes of Full Circle, a television travel show in Southeast Asia, she introduced viewers to exotic locales, but her big acting break came when she was cast opposite English actor Dev Patel in Slumdog Millionaire. Before being selected for Slumdog Millionaire, Freida anchored the international travel show, Full Circle on Zee International Asia Pacific in English between 2006-07. Besides this, she also featured in several television and print commercials for products such as Wrigleys Chewing Gum, Škoda, Hutch, Airtel, and De Beers. Runway shows and magazine covers are also part of her resume. She modeled for two years before meeting Danny Boyle and being cast in Slumdog Millionaire. After spending six months giving auditions for films, she got a call to audition for Slumdog Millionaire. She was short-listed and finally selected for the movie.
Pinto made her debut film Slumdog Millionaire in 2008. Slumdog Millionaire tells the story of a young man from the slums of Mumbai who appears on a game show and exceeds people’s expectations, arousing the suspicions of the game show host and of law enforcement officials. At the 2008 Toronto International Film Festival, the movie won the Cadillac People’s Choice Award. At the 2009 Golden Globe Awards, the movie won four awards. Pinto has also been nominated for “Best Actress in a Supporting Role” at the 2009 BAFTA Awards.
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