Friday, January 16, 2009

Special Day.

"So what does this mean?"

"It means you've Recovered. We're discharging you, that's what. I see a grown-up young woman before me, and I'm excited for you."

So what does this mean.

It means I've struggled, grown, matured, and overcome. It means God kept His promise, it means He heals, it means He makes everything beautiful in His time. It means that He has a purpose for everything.

It doesn't mean I've reached Perfection, but it does mean I've reached Acceptance, and can walk everyday in deeper humility, and self-awareness. It doesn't mean I can put aside what I've learnt, but it does mean applying it every day, and making sure I keep my eyes on God. It doesn't mean I've fully arrived (who has?), but it does mean God has been and will be with me till the end of this long pilgrimage we call Life.

It means what God broke, He broke in order to heal; what He destroyed, He destroyed in order to rebuild; what He imprisoned, He imprisoned to chasten, discipline, purify, love and finally,

Set free.

Sweet Lord, I've been waiting so long for this day.

Deepest thanks
to my friends, whose prayer and love I'm grateful for, for your faith in me and walking with me.
to Aunty Af, EK and Aunty Ay, for your guidance and encouragement,
to the team at Singapore General Hospital, for your patience, dedication and tough love,
(with special thanks to Miss B: you inspire me to know my patients in the same way)
to those of you who've written me emails, left notes here
( your words of encouragement are cherished and remembered
- with special thanks to "Mrs Lim")
to Mum and Dad- I could not ask for better parents,
And to You- for being by me.
For setting me free.

Thank you for walking with me on this journey.

" For He bruises, but He binds up;
He wounds, but His hands make whole."

-Job 5:18

"Therefore, if God makes you free, you shall be free indeed."

- John 8:36

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