Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Rainbow Balloons.

Every year, you guys make my birthday celebrations more special.

At Sunday School last week, I was asked to share in front of all the children about anything I wanted. This time, I shared about our needless worries and God's endless provision.

I was worried about not being able to celebrate my birthday with all my friends and family, because 24th of February is just too close to my final examinations; but celebrating it on the 5th over the Chinese New Year weekend was a lovely alternative.

I was worried about not finding a suitable place to host all my friends, worried about how expensive it would cost to book a restaurant, and worries about how atmosphere-less a function room might be. I was worried, because many places didn't permit me to screen my powerpoint presentation, which was my sharing about my journey through my short life- the most important part of my gathering.

But just 2 weeks before my birthday, someone randomly brought me to a quaint, cosy cafe. It was large and spacious, it had lovely stencilled sparrows all over the beautifully wallpapered walls and the best part was, the owner turned out to be from the same church as I and decided to waive off all the cost of the room. When I arrived that day, he had set up the projector beautifully for me.

I was worried that no one would show up because it was the Chinese New Year weekend. I was worried that people wouldn't come because they'd to pay $15 per pax. (I can't afford paying for everyone.) I crossed my fingers and prayed that at least 35 people would show up. In the end, more than 60 people came and we had such a good time.
The missionary, Josephine had brought Alisha and her mother to the gathering since they were in Singapore, Mr. Ho (my college teacher whom I'd dedicated Kitesong to), and many old friends showed up. One of my ex-patients came with her family. There were friends from my primary school, church, medical faculty, triathlon group, blog... it was like a massive facebook gathering of sorts where there were 6 degrees of separation between people.

Alisha with her new hearing implant

Mr Ho, who taught me to love reading

I was worried that there might not be enough food, that people would be upset. But the food kept coming, there was more than enough. And we all ended the night with a sweet dose of vanilla icecream and rainbow sprinkles :)

This time, I made it very clear in my invite that I didn't want presents. The whole point for me organising the gathering was for me to share my journey about my next book, A Taste of Rainbow, with everyone and to thank my friends for all that they had done for me. I asked for items for donation to my next mission trip, and only hand-written cards if really necessary. I was worried that my subconscious self might be disappointed. I was a little worried (haha) that my planning had ruined any chance for surprises.

But I received so many cards, and the world's most lovely tulips and rainbow-coloured helium balloons and a cake with a hand-made rainbow on top.

my friends trying to surprise me still

the cake and the handmade rainbow!

Grandpa Zhou performed 3 songs. Dr. Darren Chua, a fellow recipient of the Young Outstanding Singaporean Award (the doctor who suffered a debilitating stroke upon graduation but made a resilent comeback to impact young lives through his education centre) gave an inspiring word of encouragement. I presented my powerpoint presentation on the message of the Beauty of Temporary Afflictions :)

Grandpa Zhou playing his harmonica and singing!

Dr Darren sharing his inspiring story

I worried that people would find my sharing or Grandpa Zhou's performance boring or awkward. Or that people might judge me for sharing my journey so openly. But everyone enjoyed it. Everyone was so very loving and encouraging and supportive.

There were so many people, so many presents, so many donations of clothes and toys and items for my next mission trip to Africa.

When I got home, I flipped when I opened up my presents.

To be honest, I've always harboured a dirty little secret- that is, I am often in deficit when it comes to accounts. I don't really save, and end up giving a lot of my money away. It hurt my dignity, to go to a cash machine and realise I had 4 dollars left. It wasn't funny. I was worried about Grandpa Zhou's medical fees for the new year, because the money from last year's sponsor had run out.

That night, I received almost a thousand dollars in the form of red packets ( a kind of monetary tradition of the lunar new year). One packet from my ex-classmate who had sat next to me when I was 10 years old in class gave me $500. Another had promised he had set aside a thousand for any cause I might encounter over this year. Now I can donate my money freely, and also learn to save. I have committed, to set aside all the money in red packets that night for worthy causes.

I worried. And God provided.

I worry, I always worry. But God always, always provides.

my 3 girlfriends who know how to give the BEST surprises

and exactly how to make fairytales come true! :)

my triathlon and cycling friends


Thank God for being Always Enough.

And thank you, friends, for making it down for my 24th birthday gathering.

Thank you, to the rest of you,

for journeying with me on this space.

That night,

my rainbow coloured balloons in my living room

floated out into the darkness of the night sky.

Happiness and freedom

make dreams come true :)

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life...

...Look at the birds of the air;

they do not sow or reap or store away in barns,

and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.

Are you not much more valuable than they?

Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?"

-Mathew 6:25-27

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