Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day advice from the old man.

" You need to find someone who can love you even at your worst.
Not just someone who sees all the good bits in you and are fascinated by them.
That's nothing.
Cos on the outside, I'm sure you're easy to love-
you're always doing all these good things on the outside.
True love, well, true love needs a track record.
One year is nothing.
Last night, you threw a fit at home and I was disappointed with you, okay.
Having a bad day means nothing to me, young lady-
- I have bad days all the time.
But hey, I've got a 24-year old track record with you
and that means something."
- from the one man in my life I know I can always count on- Dad, on True Love.

Some days, I wish I were less of a skeptic. But I have too many guy friends and have heard too many of their beer conversations about women to continue wearing rose-tinted glasses. Why do I end up backpedalling in fear every time I think of a Possibility.

Roses are the only flowers I hate, really. (For many reasons.) Till today, I find it so strange how a diehard believer in faith, hope and miracles can be such a cynic when it comes to romantic love for herself.

Because yes, though it might be hard to imagine, I'm not loveable at all when I throw a cranky, noisy, hypoglycemic fit at home. With housemanship coming and 36-hour work shifts 6 times a month, I know I just might have more crazy fits to come :(

Thank you for loving me at my worst, Dad, when I'm spoilt and unreasonable, and when it's that time of the month, and not just when I get an award, or when I'm nice or when I'm serving other people. Thanks for truly loving me.

Cheers to a 24-year track record!

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