Thursday, October 23, 2008

Doth High School Musical By Any Other Marginally Talented Cast, Smell as Sweet?


High School Musical, that insanely popular tween juggernaut, finally (finally?) made it into theatres with its third installment, High School Musical: Senior Year. Great?

But whether or not you care about Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens and um, whoever else is in that series, Disney is still able to milk approximately $100 million from these dancing, singing, annoyingly versatile Miley Cyrus wannabes and their franchise, but not for much longer.

See, as you get older kids, you start to grow hair in funny places, your voice cracks, and not even the most die-hard HSM fans can be expected to suspend their disbelief that Zefron still hasn't graduated high school yet (he is already 21, btw).

So the big question for Disney execs is: Can they replace the cast of High School with some more Disney-made stars, or will we have to follow the same kids till Retirement Home: The Musical?

We're calling it regeneration, because we're bringing in a new generation," said Disney Chief Executive Robert Iger. "We believe that this is something that clearly can sustain a pretty thorough cast change," he added. "It's the same town, the same high school — which, in effect, have become characters themselves."

Hmm…on the one hand, there would be no Efron/Hudgens coverage about their beard relationship if it wasn't for High School Musical making them famous. On the other hand, does anyone remember Saved by the Bell: The New Class?

I rest my case your honor.

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