Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Alaskan Paper Not the Biggest Sarah Palin Fan


Root root root for the home team

The Anchorage Daily is Alaska's biggest newspaper. And with a readership that large (probably not that large, it's still Alaska after all, and everyone there speaks Russian), and with so few home heroes to to celebrate, perhaps the daily would be kinder to their "hottest governor" and current VP candidate Sarah Palin.
Apparently her speech writers decided to soft-pedal her pitch to the party’s conservative base, in hopes of appealing to feminist and blue-collar Hillary Clinton voters.Though brought on the ticket in part to excite religious conservatives, Palin made no mention of abortion or other hard-line social conservative causes like banning same-sex marriage. [Anchorage Daily via E&P]
Then again, the Anchorage Daily isn't practicing any sort of new subterfuge.
Remember what the New York papers did to their own senator Hillary earlier this year?
The New York Daily News had a field day calling Clinton "sick and disgusting" for staying in the race as long as she did (and this was after they supported her back in February).At the time, even the most hardened Barackaphile would agree that media coverage of Clinton was biased and unfairly skewed, in no small part because of her gender and her image as a ball-breaker.
The only thing going for Palin, then, is that Alaska's largest traitor of a newspaper has nothing on New York Post's circ.

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