Monday, September 8, 2008

Lindsay Lohan Refuses to Fall for Playboy's Skank Curse

Meanwhile: What war in Iraq?

Playboy Playmates notoriously don't age well. Except for Jenny McCarthy and Pamela Anderson, but if you have to go to those two for the "not bad" pile, you're already in trouble.
Ole' Firecrotch Lohan, in the first smart career move in awhile, declined Huygh Hefner's generous offer of $700,000to pose nude in his glorified skin rag. Hefner must have thought it would be a quick sell; Lindsay did that nudie Marilyn Monroe Spread in New York magazine back in February and her new film, Labor Pains, isn't out for a couple more months. So why not drop trou and make some bank in the meantime?
Looking at the "Where are they Now" Playboy Bunny spread, Lindsay actually reserved some prudent judgment and exercised that brain of hers that you've all known was in there somewhere since Mean Girls:

Shauna Sands (Posed in 1996): Porn star, Trainwreck

Teri Weigel (Posed in 1986): Porn star, Trainwreck

Shanna Moakler (Posed in 2001): Most famous for throwing a drink in Kim Kardashian's face।

Smart move on Lohan's part, because what is it with these women and collagen injections?

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