Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Amazon and TiVo Present: BUY. IT. NOW.

The laziness of the future, today!

Taking a cue from the zombie-aliens in They Live, Amazon and TiVo teamed up to present to you the easiest way to become a mindless drone in a system of rampant consumerism.

Introducing Buy। It. Now.

When your favorite author is promoting his or her newest book on a talk show, no need to write a reminder, with a few clicks of the remote control it will be delivered to your door, via Amazon।com. Viewers will be also be able to search for DVDs, books, and other items based on their favorite TV shows, without missing a second of programming.

Both terrifying and awesome, the Orwellian implications of Buy It Now (which will hopefully go through a name-change) are endless; next time you're watching Oprah, you just wave you magic TiVo wand near the screen and hope that you just purchased the newest item from her book club, A New Earth, and not front row seats to at Cher and Tina Turner concert at Caesars Palace, because there was a too-quick cut to the celebrity interview portion of today's broadcast। Or god forbid, you accidentally order Elizabeth Hasselback's sense of entitlement, which would probably max out your Visa.

It's a little wonky that it's taken the relatively small TiVo brand to partner up with Amazon for this life-changing innovation. The giant cable operators like Time Warner and Comcast are kicking themselves for all those years when they made people spend their precious TV ad time physically moving away from the screen.

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